If you have a general enquiry, or don’t know who to contact specifically, please email us and we will get back in touch with you. Otherwise, you can find our direct contact details in the list below.

Alison Ward
Alison advises Community Land Trusts and other community groups and social enterprises on how to set up and successfully run their organisations. Alison has also provided support to the National CLT Network and Community-Led Homes’ Enabling Hub initiative under the Community Housing Fund.
Alison Ward has been a community led housing adviser since 2010. Alison was a trustee of the National Community Land Trust Network between 2014 and 2019 and has also worked for the social finance intermediary Resonance to carry out research into the funding needs of community led housing groups and to develop new finance products for community led housing projects. Alison holds an MBA from Cardiff University, an ILM Level 5 qualification in Social Enterprise Support, and an honours degree in English Literature. In 2003 Alison worked as a VSO volunteer for an NGO in Pakistan, an experience which shaped her views on providing support to community leaders at the most local level.
Call Alison: 07779 302 557

Steve Watson
Steve worked in the housing association sector between 1987 and 2009 when he led the development of projects across the East Midlands before joining Executive Management teams as Development Director at East Northamptonshire Housing (now Spire Homes) and Gloucestershire Housing Association (now part of the Guinness Partnership), and then Managing Director and Group Chief Executive at Somer Housing Group (now Curo).
His work for housing associations included leadership of the first Care and Repair Home Improvement Agency in Lincolnshire, support for a formative community housing project in Crich Derbyshire (in 1997), a sabbatical to Nicaragua to study micro-lending for housing, a stock transfer in Northamptonshire, a dispersed Foyer facility for homeless people in Derbyshire, and the leadership of a strategic partnership to receive affordable housing through urban extensions in Gloucestershire.
Steve has been leading the CLT work since 2010 and his background in housing enables him to give in-depth technical advice for communities, local authorities and housing associations that work with them. Steve holds a Masters in Business Administration and is a Community-Led Homes Accredited Adviser.
Call Steve: 07767 238 665

Jay Lambe
Jay qualified as a chartered surveyor and registered valuer and has worked at senior management level within both the private and public sector. She has an extensive and diverse range of experience across these sectors to include residential, regeneration, mixed use development, infrastructure delivery and commercial enterprise. Jay has worked for the Homes and Communities Agency (now Homes England), national developers, Local Authorities, and Registered Providers/Housing Associations.
Since 2017 Jay has focused on working with and supporting groups/CLT’s from project inception through to delivery via Service Level Agreements with various local authorities in Devon, Dorset and Somerset. Her background in housing and development enables her to provide practical and technical support and advice. Jay is a Community Led Homes Accredited Advisor.
Call Jay: 07495 291 380

Dr Helen Lawson
Helen has over twenty years’ experience of conducting research and evaluations, both in this country and overseas, for a variety of organisations including universities, charities, NGOs and community groups. She has expertise in using NVivo to manage and support qualitative data collection and analysis, and SPSS to manage and support quantitative data collection and analysis.
In addition to a PhD she has a Masters in Research Methods (Education and Society) and has authored a number of book chapters, articles as well as progress and final evaluation reports to funders. Helen has organised and presented at a number of workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences; she has also spent a number of years living and working in Latin America and is a fluent Spanish speaker.
Call Helen: 07799 587890