
CLTs in Devon

This research was commissioned by Devon councils with funding from the Local Government Association.

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Review the experience of community organisations receiving advice during their journey to become registered housing providers.

This research explores the experiences of Community Led Housing Organisations and Technical Advisers of the Registered Provider application process, particularly the support and advice received, perceptions of success factors and challenges encountered.

UK Cohousing Network commissioned this project on behalf of Community Led Homes.

Read more here.

Evaluation of the CLT Start Up Fund

Under contract with the National CLT Network, Middlemarch associate Dr Helen Lawson evaluated the extent to which the CLT Start Up Fund achieved its objectives and what implications the findings have for the future work of the National CLT Network and organisations involved in the wider sector.

Read more here.


Data Champion for Community Led Homes

Middlemarch’s role has been to help CLH build a sector-wide database in order for the agency to provide effective and efficient operational and financial support to community led homes groups and hubs.


Asset appraisals for CLH opportunities

North Somerset Council has completed a first-stage review of its landholdings and assets to identify possible development options. This has identified a variety of small sites across the area, some of which might potentially be suitable for community-led housing.

NSC has appointed Middlemarch for a short piece of feasibility work based on the tasks below:

  • Working with NSC officers, agree criteria for potential sites and reduce the initial longlist down to a more manageable number of the most suitable opportunities. This will include consideration of practical issues such as access constraints and current uses, and an understanding of what is needed from the community’s point of view to make a site work.
  • Liaising with selected communities and stakeholders, assess local levels of interest and capacity to deliver community-led housing. This will include discussion with Registered Providers, particularly where NSC assets are adjacent to their existing land.
  • Using the information gathered above, ‘match’ communities and potential sites. Where appropriate, commission early feasibility work including early planning and legal advice.

The outcome will be a shortlist of the most promising potential projects, along with recommendations on the steps and support needed to help get community structures in place and schemes underway.


Supporting partnerships between CLH groups and housing associations

We share our extensive experience of supporting partnerships between CLH groups and housing associations (known as Registered Providers or RPs) through online events. A full account of our experience was published in 2020 as part of Community Led Homes’ updated guide to partnerships.

Read more here.