This edition features the housing crisis in holiday hotspots and our podcasts.
Author: Edward Mitchell
Middlemarch Podcast episode 5
In this month’s episode of the Middlemarch Podcast, Colin is in conversation with Scott Jennings, the Secretary of Student Co-op Homes, a national body supporting the growth of local housing co-operatives for students. Scott talks about his experience of housing has a student in Nottingham and how he helped to create Student Co-op Homes, raising money through community shares to start buying property to lease to local co-ops.
BBC coverage of the housing crisis in holiday hotspots
“Emma has lived in North Devon her whole life, but now she’s not sure she’ll be able to stay.
A few months ago, she was given notice to leave by her landlord but, with rental properties scarce and prices soaring, finding a new place to live is proving difficult.
Emma wants to understand the forces making North Devon, along with many rural spots across the country, unaffordable for locals, and how she can reset the balance.
She also examines the toll the rise in staycations and the boom in rural living have had on her tight-knit community.
Even as she fights to stay in the village where she grew up, Emma recognises it is becoming less and less like the place she loves. But in leading a campaign to help local renters, Emma feels the passion and power of her community once again.”
The Middlemarch Podcast Episode 4
Colin is in conversation with Nick Reynolds from the Roman Way CIC, a Tenant Management Organisation in Birmingham, discussing his experience of tenants and leaseholders taking control of services on behalf of the City Council.
New Community Housing Fund
The new Community Housing Fund has been launched: £4m to be spent in England by the end of March 2022.
Colin is in conversation with Alistair Chisholm, a champion town crier and member of the Dorchester Area Community Land Trust which plans to develop housing for local workerson a site adjacent a scheduled ancient monument.
The Middlemarch Podcast Episode 2
Colin McDonald talks with Hazel Tilley from the Granby Four Streets Community Land Trust about her experience of saving and renovating victorian terraced housing in her part of Liverpool.
Alison Ward on Spotlight Southwest about CLTs
Alison was interviewed as part of BBC local news item about CLTs in Cornwall and Devon. She appeared in her part-time role as Business Development Manager for the National CLT Network.
The Middlemarch Podcast Episode 1
Colin McDonald talks with Elizabeth Maunder about the Norton-sub-Hamdon Community Land Trust in Somerset which has developed ten affordable homes for local people and taken on running the village shop and post office.
Spring Newsletter
This edition features 11 projects in planning, on site or recently complete; all grant recipients through the Community Housing Fund.