The Middlemarch Podcast – Episode 8

Stafford Close, Christow, a development of 18 homes by Teign Housing in partnership with Christow Community Land Trust.

After a short break the latest episode of the Middlemarch Podcast is now available. You can now find us on Apple Podcasts as well as Spotify or Spreaker, so there’s no need to miss a new episode when it’s released. Alternatively, just look on the podcast page on our website.

In this latest episode Colin is in conversation with Pamela Woods who is the Chair of the Dartmoor National Park Authority. Pamela tells us a little bit about planning in a National Park and some of her personal views on housing, but for most of the podcast she tells Colin about the Community Land Trust scheme she was previously involved with at Christow which includes fourteen accredited Passivhaus dwellings.

You can find the latest episode here.

For a different take on the Stafford Close development in Christow, have a look at the short video clip from the BBC Countryfile programme on the projects page of our website.

The Middlemarch Podcast – Episode 7

This month Colin is in conversation with Laura Moss who is a partner at Wrigleys solicitors where she provides professional advice to community led housing groups.

However it’s mostly about her own experiences as part of a newly formed CoHousing group in Cumbria.

The project aims to repurpose an old farm complex and create something more than just a roof over their heads for members of the group.


The Middlemarch Podcast – Episode 6

This month Colin is in conversation with Andrew Bibby, the secretary of Yorkshire based Calder Valley Community Land Trust.

CVCLT have raised community shares, but also gained ‘Registered Provider’ status (to be able to directly access grant from Homes England).

They’ve collaborated with several other local community groups including an Almshouse Trust, building bungalows together on a shared site.

Although their main priority is housing, they’ve taken ownership of a community centre and now have their sights on saving an historic signal box.


Middlemarch Podcast episode 5

In this month’s episode of the Middlemarch Podcast, Colin is in conversation with Scott Jennings, the Secretary of Student Co-op Homes, a national body supporting the growth of local housing co-operatives for students. Scott talks about his experience of housing has a student in Nottingham and how he helped to create Student Co-op Homes, raising money through community shares to start buying property to lease to local co-ops.


BBC coverage of the housing crisis in holiday hotspots

“Emma has lived in North Devon her whole life, but now she’s not sure she’ll be able to stay.

A few months ago, she was given notice to leave by her landlord but, with rental properties scarce and prices soaring, finding a new place to live is proving difficult.

Emma wants to understand the forces making North Devon, along with many rural spots across the country, unaffordable for locals, and how she can reset the balance.

She also examines the toll the rise in staycations and the boom in rural living have had on her tight-knit community.

Even as she fights to stay in the village where she grew up, Emma recognises it is becoming less and less like the place she loves. But in leading a campaign to help local renters, Emma feels the passion and power of her community once again.”